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Microsoft Windows Live Writer 2008 12.0.1366.1026

Microsoft Windows Live Writer 2008 12.0.1366.1026

Screenshots of Microsoft Windows Live Writer 2008

Microsoft Windows Live Writer 2008 Publisher's Description

Writer works with most major blog providers, including Windows Live Spaces, SharePoint, WordPress, Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, Moveable Type, Community Server, and many others. Get started with your blog in minutes, thanks to automatic blog configuration. Post to multiple blogs: themes are automatically detected for each.


Create a compelling blog easily
Insert photos and videos, maps, tags and lots of other cool content, all in a snap. Powerful editing features include tables, spell checker, and quick hyperlinks.

Preview before you post
Writer shows you what your blog entry will look like before you post it, using your blog's templates and formatting.

Compose your entries offline
Publish them later, when you get back online.
Easier Spaces creation and configuration
Whether or not you already have a blog on Windows Live Spaces, now all you need is a Windows Live ID username and password to configure Writer to your Spaces blog.

Spell checking in four languages
This includes three flavors of English dictionaries:
English (US, UK, Canadian)

Generic AtomPub Support
Configuration and publishing to services that implement Atom Publishing Protocol 1.0.

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